
1/16 cup of soy sauce

June 9, 2010

Well, I’ve hit the 22 pound mark.  I thought I would be here sooner, but things don’t always go as planned.

I passed up 20 lbs and wend from 19.6 on Saturday to 21 on Sunday, I was so excited.  I had been planning to treat myself with a froyo when I hit 20, but my coach Cyndi said, “Noooo, don’t” and I didn’t.  So I kind of feel like the extra pound was my treat.  But then I ended up missing dinner on Sunday night.  I thought splurging would mess me up, but skipping a meal messed me up big time.

I didn’t mean to miss the meal, I just planned to eat after Sunday night service, then ended up being out until 10:30 at which point I decided not to eat right before I went to bed.  Big mistake! I woke up ravenous on Monday, and it seemed as though nothing satisfied my appetite all day long.  That is the first time I’ve experienced real hunger on this diet.  I made it through the day sticking to the protocol and anxiously awaited my crock pot at home.  I had found a fantastic recipe that contained all things I could eat on the HCG except 1/8 cup of soy sauce.

I’ve been told by many who have done the diet that I need to go to Whole Foods and get Bragg’s Amino sauce, apparently it functions very much like soy sauce but without all the salt.  But I haven’t had a chance to go, so I did what I thought would be okay; I cut the amount in half to 1/16 cup of low sodium soy sauce and made the difference up with water.  It made sense to me… what could it hurt?

Well,  I ate my delicious crock pot of food, exactly 3 ounces of meat with 4 ounces of lettuce and loved every second of it. It was so good. It was as though I had never tasted soy sauce before.  That should have clued me in.

I woke up Tuesday morning, not very hungry and feeling great, and I had gained .4 lbs!!  Now, I wasn’t upset because I know that I didn’t eat any fat, so it wasn’t .4 lbs of fat, but still, I gained?? Apparently “low sodium soy sauce” has plenty of sodium in it; enough to make me retain water and gain.

Lesson learned.

As I was reflecting on my choice to substitute and risk it and realized that it didn’t take much sodium to spoil my whole crock pot.  I was reminded of Galations 5:9, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.”  So then I had to ask the Lord, are there other areas of my life where I have compromised; where I have substituted my will for Yours, even just 1/16 cup of my will for Yours?  Am I selfishly spoiling my whole crock pot so I can enjoy a few minutes of satisfaction or enjoyment?  I’m not going to share His answer, but just know… lesson learned, or rather, lesson still being learned and I’ll probably always need to be learning it… Let’s face it, we all try to change God’s recipe from time to time. We don’t want to,and often it’s not on purpose, but we’re human and by nature, lazy.  I’m just glad I serve a God who loves me enough to show me when I do it; even if it means I had to gain weight to see it.

Who knew I would get all that life lesson from some soy sauce.  God is good.  And I love this diet!



  1. congrats on your 20… Praise God!!!!

  2. Wow. I am amazed by your diligence. Keep up the great work.

  3. Wow! Great post. Seriously challenged me, sis. It’s amazing how simple it is to substitute our own will for His, and how quickly we can justify it.

    Man…gonna be chewing on this one for a while.

  4. Amy,
    it is very interenting to know who God is working in you. i beeing touch by God truth your blog. I’m praying to God to show me the areas i need to change for Him. I’m drinking more water. thank you so much for opening your heart to us.

  5. I was “googling” for your song “You Deliver Me” and found this blog. Amy, it was so God to point me just where I needed to be. I have been on WW since the end of February. I was going “gangbusters” until I became sick, then we went on vacation to Disneyland…well, you know the rest of the story. Anyway, the Lord is so gracious, merciful and loving…he knew I would be searching for your song and I would be led to your blog…
    “When I feel like, I can’t go on, You deliver me…”

    In Jesus,

  6. Just wanted to tell you that you have the most beauiful voice I’ve ever heard…

    When I get home tonight I’m going to read your blog. I’m on break at work now and listening to Selah… I just had the most overwhelming desire to tell you how much I love your voice. It is so awesome how God leads me…

  7. Amy…

    Happened upon this after listening to your song “Unredeemed,” which is continuing to burn a welcome place in the recesses of my currently-aching heart. In sum, I have just lost a pregnancy after intensive infertility treatment. Four years and one child later, my heart still wonders what the Lord could be doing through our continued heartache…

    I am so encouraged by your deep honesty throughout your posts, Amy. I have learned that ditching the “Christianese” and exposing the true struggles and anguish in our hearts is the ONLY way God can heal us of whatever hurts, whatever causes darkness to damage what He wants us to become.

    Continue to bring your anguish into the Light, Amy. And continue to move forward to healing!

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