
Starting Over

May 15, 2012

Hey there! I know it’s been ages. I keep saying that I need to blog, but I have so much to say that I don’t have time to say it all, so I’m just going to bullet point it all for you:

December 2011:

  • Awesome, busy Story Tour! Got nicknamed “Waddle Waddle” because I was a million months pregnant and apparently waddled every where
  • Put an offer on a house; closed while I was on tour; my family painted and moved me in. I came home from tour to my new house!
  • Christmas was awesome. We had it at my house 6 days after I got home from the tour

January 2012

  • Put the finishing touches on the house

  • Found out Josiah was still breach; tried everything, including chiropractic techniques and a version to turn him with no success

February 2012

  • Feb 6, 2012 had a C-section and had my gorgeous baby boy!!!

  • Breastfeeding was horrible.  Every time I did it was like torture. He wasn’t getting enough, I would cry and tell Jake, “My boobies don’t work!”

March 2012

  • Quit breastfeeding and then found out Josiah is lactose intolerant.  Once I put him on soy he became the most perfect baby!
  • March 11, 2012 we had his dedication at church

  • March 16, 2012 he took his first trip. Jake and I took him to Alabama for a family wedding, then up to Nashville to meet everyone there.

  • March 30, 2012 – I took him on his first Selah tour to Canada! He loved it and was so good. His Aunty Lexi, otherwise known as “Branty” came with us and helped out.

April 2012

  • I went back to work. 😦 but I get to bring him to the office every Tuesday, so that’s fun.
  • We had a few Selah shows and we got to spend some time in Nashville recording.
  • We spent Easter with Selah at Seaworld

May 2012

  • Business as usual!  He’s such a good baby.  I left him for the first time last weekend. I was only gone 31 hours but it felt like an eternity!!
  • I have to go to Istanbul on the 26th and I’m leaving him with Daddy for 4 nights. It will be very hard for me, but he’s going to have so much fun. He LOVES his daddy. It’s so cute to watch his reaction when Jake comes in the room.


So the title of my post is about my diet.  Yeah, I’m starting over.  I let myself go Carb crazy while I was pregnant, now I’m paying for it.  I don’t know how but all the weight went to my legs!!  Anyways, I’m back on the protocol and I have to be honest, it’s a lot harder this time around. I’m not losing as fast and I’m just tired all the time so that adds stress to it.

I’m down like 11 right now, when I should be down 20, but that’s ok.  Each day is a new opportunity to work harder and get this weight off.

I’ll keep you posted!




  1. thanks for posting Amy, You have lost weight before and know how much work it was and now you have an even Bigger confidence boost than last time..You have been there done that. You can do it Gurl!!!!

  2. So glad for the update! Josiah is so adorable!! And glad you are working on staying healthy post-baby!

  3. Yay for Super Mario wall decor!

  4. He is just perfect!!!!
    I will be praying for you as you get back on protocol. Your testimony was part of the reason why I chose G&S, so thanks! You’ll rock this again, I know!!!

  5. Thanks so much for the update! One step at a time. You’ve proven that it can be done. Remember where your strength comes from.

  6. I love the pictures! I saw Selah at Seaworld. At the time, I had no idea you had just had a baby! Y’all sounded great! I got your autograph on the Program, along with the guys and Angie too. It was my best Easter ever! Just beautiful at Seaworld at sunrise!

  7. Amy, you are a beautiful woman. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. God is perfect, your baby boy is amazing, and you are amazing. As someone who just lost 100lbs, I had a huge struggle to overcome! I had a horrible self-image and I put such high expectations on myself. Only when I turned these battles over to God did I get anywhere. Keep up the hard work and be proud of who you are…a beautiful woman who reaches our world for Christ!

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