
I’ve Made a Decision… continuned

May 17, 2010

I had a comment that I would like to address because I think it’s important. I was asked, “If HCG is a short-term diet, what is your “exit strategy”? I mean, what do you plan to do after you’re done w/ the drops and 500 cal. diet?”

Great question. According to everyone who has done the diet, there’s no need for anything special after wards because it resets your hypothalamus, however, I know myself, and my reasons for eating. I have issues with using food for comfort, and while I will be undergoing coaching for my bad eating habits I have a feeling they could easily creep up again. So I’m going back to Weight Watchers after the extreme diet to monitor regular eating habits and also to ensure I don’t blow up when I finally decide to have a baby.

Also, after having done Weight Watchers online or rather, on my own, for a couple weeks I’ve realized that without accountability, I suck! So I’ve found a Weight Watchers center right by my work and a friend at the office who I see about twice a week who does it.

Anyways, feel free to keep asking away.



  1. I am VERY excited for you. You are also motivating me to keep on keeping on. By the way I found a car today and it if all goes well I will have a black 1999 Honda CRV with 194,000 miles on it, keyless entry and a Pioneer cd player!! Now keep praying for the job. I have been off of work for three weeks now. Have been working on the car thing and applying for jobs. No call backs yet 😦 Willing to re-locate though 🙂

  2. Amy,

    You are so right, accountability, encouragement, support they are all so vital to our success, not only in weight loss but in any area of our lives that we are striving to change or improve or just continue with what we know to do.
    I know for myself, I might lead others, but I know without a doubt that I need the accountability, encouragement and support from my mentors.

    The enemy comes to lie, kill and destroy…and he knows just right where to get us…he loves to set up the perfect tempting situation for us, or convince us one little piece won’t matter….but we are BIGGER than him, and we are aware of his tricks..he is not winning this one Amy. Because the word says “You are more than a conquerer, and You CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you”

    Love you,


  3. Hi there I found your website through Bring the Rain. I noticed your recent posts about struggling with weight loss. I certainly can empathize. I come from a family with a whole host of weight issues. Not like a couple of hundreds of pounds or anything, but definately, over 50lbs over weight and according to a healthy expected weight chart we are considered morbidly obese. I cannot relate with not being able to concieve, for the Lord has blessed me with 10 children. I lost a 4 month old son in 2007 but I currently have 9 healthy children. Right now I am currently about 50lbs over weight. I gave birth 6 weeks ago, and I am feeling ready to get back into shape what I have let go. I wanted to share what I am currently doing, and what worked very well for me prior to this pregnancy. Have you ever heard of TTapp. It is amazing. I am completely and totally out of shape but I was able to apply this to my life, and I definately gained energy and stamina after ttapping for a bit. I also read the Weigh Down Diet. Maybe you have already done this. But I found that applying those principles were most helpful. If you go on the TTapp website, you can read success Story Charlotte Siems. She went from a size 22 to a size 4 (I am friends with her so I know that she has gone to a 4 since posting the size 6 on the website) Read her story and you will be inspired, she is the that I followed. 15 minutes a day of exercise and applying the weigh down principles. You cannot go wrong. Even if this is something you consider down the road, you will not be sorry. TTapp is truly a revival for your whole body and mind. I do hope and pray that you are able to get victory in this area. I have alot of work to do myself and I on the road with you. If we can remember that it is a spiritual issue, for our bodies are His temple. Praying for You,
    Trish West

  4. Go Amy!!! I am cheering you all the way in Virginia.

  5. Hi Amy,
    I found your blog through the Selah site. First off I just wanted to say you have the most beautiful voice. I’ve listened to Selah’s music for years, but this last CD has been the best. I particularly love How Deep Thy Father’s Love For Us. Absolutely beautiful, gives me chills.

    Anyway, about Weight Watchers, they have a message board for different interests. I’ve been posting on one particular thread for over three years and we’ve gotten to be great friends and keep each other in check health wise. I never really had that much to lose and don’t even do weight watchers anymore, but they mean that much to me, so I continue to post to it everyday. So, check those out if you get a chance, it might be another way to find a good support system.

  6. Hi there . . . I commend you on your determination!

    I am currently trying to lose weight and have lost eighteen pounds.

    I would love to know more about the HCG diet you wrote about, but only find limited information on the website you posted on your post.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  7. Hi,

    I’ve just stumbled across this blog. And I can definately relate to what you’re going through! But I wanted to urge you to check out a book I’ve been reading called Thin Within. It is, in their words, “a biblical approach to weightloss”. It has been life-changing to me! And I can’t help but share it with you!! I realize you’ve started a different program, but I would definately encourage you to at least look at their website, http://www.thinwithin.org
    Good luck and God bless!

  8. Praying for you Amy!

  9. Hi Amy,

    Last night, as I ate my chicken burger, without a bun, and about the size of three bits, I started crying like a baby. My husband who eats like a horse and has no extra weight on him, was surprised and concerned by my outburst of crying. He pulled out the bible read me some versus while I cried and then he turned on the radio. “Unredeemed” was playing. We had never heard it and one thing lead to another…I ended up here.

    To know someone else was going through the same thing as and understood how I felt was a comfort. The whole incident reminded me that the Lord is in control and knows my pain and He is there for me.

    Thank you for your heart, thank you for sharing, and thank you for your honesty. Today I am encouraged again to continue on the path that I do not want to travel but know that I must.

    BTW, other than the fact that I have the worst voice in the world, you story could be mine.

    You were a blessing to me! I will pray for you on your journey.

    In Him,

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